
Protechmasta infa-red relief in a dog coat

We are very proud to announce we have teamed up with Harry Hall to bring yout the best from their Woofmasta range including the amazing Protechmasta coat.

How Protechmasta works: Far Infra-Red (FIR) waves are produced naturally by our bodies and have a heating effect that makes us feel more energised and relaxed. Enhancing the FIR waves can have significant health benefits. Hundreds of threads in the fabric of the Protechmasta dog coats are blended with special ceramic powders that generate FIR waves. These threads both reflect the natural FIR waves produced by the body back into the skin and also directs additional FIR waves into the body. The waves are absorbed by water molecules within the body which start to vibrate a little more than usual creating a gentle heating effect. This produces a ‘domino effect’ of benefits, starting with increased core and muscle temperature leading to a widening of blood vessels and enhanced circulation. This brings valuable oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and leads to faster removal of toxins like lactic acid and sulphur dioxide resulting in an increased metabolism, healthier muscles, improved disease resistance and fatigue relief.

Lookout for these product on our website very soon...



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